Thursday 6 August 2015

I'm Officially a Big-Cartel-er

Hiya All,
I am going to study fashion next year at Brighton and yes I am very excited, but materials and whatnot can be quite pricey. I've had a few offers over the years for paintings and illustrations I've been doing over the years so I thought what better way to fund my materials through uni than to sell things I draw?!

So I set up a little online shop over at Big Cartel, it would be absolutely fab if you could all check that out and share it among friends etc. Just click the below link for direct access into my wonderland, not a euphemism I promise.

And if you're insanely lazy here's a few screen shots so you know what you're getting into before you click that godly link...

So that's just a cheeky taster of what you can buy so far but I will be uploading a few more bits if it's successful. Please share this post as it would really help me out!

Huge thank you if ya do!