Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014

Knitted Cardigan - Primark
Fluffy Scarf and Headband - London Christmas Markets
T - H&m
Jeans - Topshop
Boots - La Moda

Hello lovelies readers,
I hope you all had a faab christmas! Cannot believe this is my last post of 2014, it has been an awesome year and I'd say my blogging has come on a lot since I started about 6 months ago. It still amazes me how many of you read my blog and I dedicate this fluffy post to you!! Obviously without you beautiful people, this would just be a site full of pictures of me... that only I look at. Which would be weird. Anyway, thanks you are all really gr8. I really appriciate it, you have given me a so much more confidence, especially in dressing how I want, and well just being sassy fulltime.

I was going to make a 'What to Wear' on NYE post, but I hardly dress up, and tonight I will be rocking a pair of jeans and trainers so I felt there was no point. Instead, lucky you, you got my casj look of the month!! I never understand why people get so aggro santos on NYE, I love it. But anyway, went a bit 'fancy' for this post and made my hair cute for you all, and if that doesn't show love I don't know what would! I even re-painted my nails so that I could have pretty hands. You can tell I thought they looked good because they creep into basically every picture. They even matched my headband. Fluff is great. I never usually buy hairbands like above because they don't go over my hair but this was a christmassy pres, so I will be personally working that updo. And the scarf, well it's soft so It won me over. You can never have enough faux fur.

Don't you find when you buy something new, or get given something new you literally wear that item non stop for about a month, that's what's been happening with this luuuuuuuuscious cardi (mum word). Primark knits do the job, and although they slyly keep trying to put up their prices, I will never stop buying them. Even when I'm old and rich and can afford that Acne Studio's sheepskin jacket. (For a mere 2 grand you could make me an extremely happy lady - link here) But for real, if you haven't been there recently, I seriously advise it. 

Anyway, I need to go get ready. Woo.
I wish you all a happy and healthy new years!!!!!


Saturday, 13 December 2014

Winter Warmer

Dress - Topshop
Top - H&m
Socks - Primark
Shoes - La Moda
Scarfs - Market
Earrings - Brussels Market, Paris
Lipliner - "Mac Spice" cheeky replica from Superdrug (£1!!!!!!!!!!)
'ellie' Necklace - Prague Markets

If you haven't had a chance to hear it yet, go check out my girl Karmi's song with Perplexus. Download it, share etc it's on itunes too so you can buy it---

Seeing as we're coming into the winter months, I thought I would do an inbetween-y outfit, one that is a perfect transitional from autumn to winter. Obviously I would this teamed with a massive coat and probably 5 pairs of tights, but for blog benefit I froze my butt off and went without. So the past two weeks have been pretty busy (hence the lack of posts) but now I have finished uni for the term and sent off my UCAS, so hopefully (fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed) I will get into one of my 5 choices!! If you have been wondering what I've been doing, simply click on this link - Fashion and Textiles blog to see, it is the analytical side of my course, so if you want to see pictures just check my instagram (link at the side of the page) The course has been pretty full on and I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad it's done for the term! If you are considering an art based degree, I really recommend doing some sort of art foundation first. It will 100% show you if it is the right course for you to continue onto at degree level!! So many people I know have dropped out after picking the wrong course, and honestly this foundation diploma has been one of the best things I've ever decided to do.

Anyway, life lesson over. If you have read my blog before you will probably have noticed I'm a bit of a fan of jewelry, and jewelry in particular that I have bought, or been bought from markets around the world. I think there is something so awesome about going to a place, having a million memories and being able to wear that anytime, anywhere. It's always subtle because you can never tell where they're from, but I love it. So, xmas is coming up................................................................................ hint x
I am THO excited for Christmas, I get to go to Cambridge to see my fam and eat enough food for 3 people and get pressies and give pressies, probably my favourite time of year. Even these earrings look like little Christmas trees, the excitement is real.

But yeah, sidetracking. 
I will hopefully be uploading LOTZ this holiday as long as I'm not working too much.
Oh and also, I am selling lots of bits (most of it gross) on my ebay, so have a little lookie - elsmis2010 some of it is nice lol

Big love
(come back soon)

I repeat-
(If you don't want to get me a Christmas pressie, then I will accept you following my other social media's as a gift instead.)